The Underdog | ADV Niccolò Lapo Latini
Commonly used in sports to identify the one who against predictions succeeds in overcoming the opponent. The title "The Underdog" could be suitable for him. The adventure of the last months of Niccolò Lapo Latini - Creative Director, 23 years old - is certainly to be counted among the unexpected stories of the Italian Fashion Business of the Covid 19 era.
In a difficult moment of extreme change he manages to establish himself in this world and against all odds - given his young age and the precocity of the results - to carve out a space in the panorama that matters.
This year, the Numero Russia x Lacoste project, the cover story of Vanity Teen New York with Emanuele Ferrari, the first official interview with Wonderland (London), the collaboration with Gianpiero D'Alessandro (Cartoon Designer of Justin Bieber's Drew House) and the start of the partnership with Babolat, which became its official sponsor from this April. We report here an excerpt from the Kein Studio Interview and some shots of his most well - known works.

The Underdog | ADV Niccolò Lapo Latini
A moment of these two years that you remember with particular emotion?
Perhaps when, for the release of the first edition of "Buio II" in London with Schön Magazine, the magazine compared our shots (ed. Photography by Emanuele Ferrari) to the Franca Sozzani's artistic attitude. She was a great professional, she had a vision. Certainly an important example for the new generations.
Who is Niccolò off the set? How distant is your private life from your professional one?
Very far. I care a lot about my private life, it is hardly shared, least of all I allow it to intersect with my professional one. I am a boy who was forced to grow up very quickly, reserved, who considers his very few things but that he cares deeply about.
What is it like to be Creative Director at your age?
Full of temptations (ed. He smiles). As indeed is the show business. All the realities where a lot of money circulates and your image is closely linked to your personal earnings enclose forbidden dreams and on a young boy of my age all this has a much stronger impact.

The Underdog | ADV Niccolò Lapo Latini
What can you tell us about the symbol that represents you? The Black Tree...
It is a reinterpretation of the tree of Gondoor (ed. "The Lord of the Rings") with a fracture in the middle reminiscent of Narsil, "the blade that was broken" that in Tolkien's tales represents the ancient scars and secrets of the past. Above seven candles, the same green candles told in the fable "The Torch Of Desires"by Guido Gozzano.
What do you think about working in the the fashion business? Is it more difficult than other jobs?
I don't think the job itself is more difficult than others, it's the environment that often complicates things.It is a contradictory and sometimes deceptive reality, where it's easy to stumble and it can always change everything in an instant. It is an intriguing and dangerous world at the same time.
What is the underlying message you want to convey with your projects? What is the common denominator?
Difficult question... Actually i don't think I have an answer yet. I'm still looking for...
The artistic choices are based on your pleasure and satisfaction or to amaze the viewer?
Always on my satisfaction. The best part of my job is the fun I get to do it, the power of the free will is priceless. If I had to think about the reaction of the public I would lose this enthusiasm and the work would lose spontaneity. It would be like telling a lie.